Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 8 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M by Joseph Filip, stepping in for Jasmine who was running a few minutes late.

New members at the meeting were Carl and Blair. Carl is a freshman and Blair is a sophmore transfer student.

The final Presidential debate will be held on October 15 at 8:00 P.M. The Democrats club is responsible for "hosting" the viewing in Jones Auditorium and providing refreshments, including snacks and beverages. Joseph volunteered to do the shopping for refreshments. Flyers to advertise the event will be put up by Jennifer and Heather will try to get the event put in the E-News. If you have any questions about the debate please contact Joseph Filip at

October 22 there will be a debate on campus between a Republican and a Democratic representative from 6:30-10 in the Maloney Room. This is primarily being run by SGA and the location is tentative. The contact for this event is Sara Hoover Any further information we get about this event will come out in the Friday news by Jasmine or will be discussed at the next meeting.

Monday October 20 we are planning to host an event to remind people about voting on the 21 and get people excited about voting and hopefully our candidate as well. Ideas thrown around at the meeting for this event were a bake sale, Obama t-shirts for sale or as a raffle prize, bumper stickers being sold for $1 and an Obama cardboard standup as a raffle prize.

Tuesday October 21 is early voting on campus in Ragsdale from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. and we would like to have an event to draw attention to voting. We would like to have music—Austin is working on getting a live band or two booked for the event. Otherwise, we will play music over the PA system. Jasmine is going to have posters up encouraging people to vote and maybe we’ll get some Hey Cupcakes (depending on how generous they are). If you know of any local bands that might be willing to participate in this venue please let Jasmine know immediately! Also, if we can’t get a band we will need suggestions on what music to play so have some suggestions ready at the next meeting and if you have music files you’d like to share, power to you.

As of Wednesday our future meeting will be held in Fleck 309 at 7:30 P.M on Wednesdays. There will be new posters with the new time and location put up ASAP so be looking out for those. If this meeting time doesn’t work out for you, please let a member know so we know you’re still interested but aren’t able to make the meeting and we hope that you’ll be able to participate in the events! Sorry again for the discrepancies in meeting times and places, we have this room reserved through November so this new time should be (cross your fingers) for sure.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:53.

Thanks guys, and I hope to see all of you at the meeting next Wednesday at 7:30 in Fleck 309!

-Jennifer Schrauth

(830) 433-1744

P.S. Jasmine’s email address is Shoot her an email and she will find you an answer. Also, I’m posting the minutes on the St. Edwards blog which can be found at If you haven’t joined the facebook group yet, join it! And if you don’t have a facebook, make one so that you can join the group!

Monday, October 15, 2007

October 9, 2007: Regular Meeting

St. Edward’s College Democrats
October 9, 2007: Regular Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:15PM.

Joseph presented the motion to specify voting regulations. To promote voting fairness, a vote will be held at the next meeting concerning a required notice to members of an upcoming vote.

Joseph passed around a sheet of presidential candidates for members to sign up and speak on their candidate of choice within the next few meetings. To sign up, send a Facebook message to Joseph or e-mail him.

Lila proposed a debate between campus Republicans and Democrats. This event will be discussed by the organization at the next meeting. Marcos has been assigned as the liaison to the campus Republicans for this expected event.

If there is anything you would like to bring up or have brought up at the next meeting or any meeting to come please notify Joseph in advance so he may allot time on the agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/2/2007 Meeting

St. Edward’s College Democrats
October 2, 2007 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM.

Joseph presented the motion to vote on Article 7, Section A. of the constitution where voting for officers be held at the second-to-last meeting of every school year. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed. Officer elections will permanently be held at the second-to-last meeting of every school year.

JP Meyer stepped down as President for personal reasons. This news was presented by Genevieve who also suggested that at the leave of Joey the organization should reform in regards to the interests of members, such as enhancement in voter education and more events on campus.

The voter registration drive was moved to Friday, October 5th, from 11AM-3PM in the Ragsdale lobby.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25PM.

9/25/2007 Minutes

St. Edward's College Democrats
September 25, 2007: Regular Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:10PM on 9/25/07.

Genevieve initiated an "icebreaker" to get the group re-acquainted.

The Vice President from the SEU Republicans attended the first portion of the meeting with interests in working on our voter registration drive to be held on October 4th and 5th.

Genevieve got us up-to-date with the drive. The location of the drive is still pending for the 4th (but will either be in Rags or Moody between 11AM and 3PM). The drive will be located in Rags for the same time frame on the 5th. The drive is meant to be bi-partisan, and we hope the College Republicans will work with us in distributing materials encouraging students to vote. Within the committee, there is also talk of creating a mock-election to generate interest in the primary and spring voter registration drive. Please contact Genevieve if you would like to help out now or in the future.

Joey proposed that there be a vote on when elections for officers will be held. However, the proposition was tabled until next meeting to promote fairness and a larger group of voting members. In order to vote you must pay your dues by the next meeting.

Joey also spoke about Oxfam SEU, another organization for which he is president. Oxfam SEU works with Oxfam America to promote Fair Trade and find long-lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice. Please visit Oxfam America for more information on the organization. Joey expressed interest in members of the SEU Dems joining Oxfam (no dues, no fees) and the two organizations collaborating on aligning issues. Meetings are held on Mondays at 7PM. Please contact Joey if you want more information or would like to join.

The meeting split into committees concerning public relations, the voter registration drive, and voter education. Due to time limitations, committee reports will be e-mailed or shared at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.